using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace DeepNestLib { public class GeneticAlgorithm { SvgNestConfig Config; public List<PopulationItem> population; public static bool StrictAngles = false; float[] defaultAngles = new float[] { 0, 0, 90, 0, 0, 270, 180, 180, 180, 90 }; public GeneticAlgorithm(NFP[] adam, SvgNestConfig config) { List<float> ang2 = new List<float>(); for (int i = 0; i < adam.Length; i++) { ang2.Add((i * 90) % 360); } defaultAngles = ang2.ToArray(); Config = config; List<float> angles = new List<float>(); for (int i = 0; i < adam.Length; i++) { if (StrictAngles) { angles.Add(defaultAngles[i]); } else { var angle = (float)Math.Floor(r.NextDouble() * Config.rotations) * (360f / Config.rotations); angles.Add(angle); } //angles.Add(randomAngle(adam[i])); } population = new List<PopulationItem>(); population.Add(new PopulationItem() { placements = adam.ToList(), Rotation = angles.ToArray() }); while (population.Count() < config.populationSize) { var mutant = this.mutate(population[0]); population.Add(mutant); } } public PopulationItem mutate(PopulationItem p) { var clone = new PopulationItem(); clone.placements = p.placements.ToArray().ToList(); clone.Rotation = p.Rotation.Clone() as float[]; for (int i = 0; i < clone.placements.Count(); i++) { var rand = r.NextDouble(); if (rand < 0.01 * Config.mutationRate) { var j = i + 1; if (j < clone.placements.Count) { var temp = clone.placements[i]; clone.placements[i] = clone.placements[j]; clone.placements[j] = temp; } } rand = r.NextDouble(); if (rand < 0.01 * Config.mutationRate) { clone.Rotation[i] = (float)Math.Floor(r.NextDouble() * Config.rotations) * (360f / Config.rotations); } } return clone; } Random r = new Random(); public float[] shuffleArray(float[] array) { for (var i = array.Length - 1; i > 0; i--) { var j = (int)Math.Floor(r.NextDouble() * (i + 1)); var temp = array[i]; array[i] = array[j]; array[j] = temp; } return array; } // returns a random individual from the population, weighted to the front of the list (lower fitness value is more likely to be selected) public PopulationItem randomWeightedIndividual(PopulationItem exclude = null) { //var pop = this.population.slice(0); var pop = this.population.ToArray(); if (exclude != null && Array.IndexOf(pop, exclude) >= 0) { pop.splice(Array.IndexOf(pop, exclude), 1); } var rand = r.NextDouble(); float lower = 0; var weight = 1 / (float)pop.Length; float upper = weight; for (var i = 0; i < pop.Length; i++) { // if the random number falls between lower and upper bounds, select this individual if (rand > lower && rand < upper) { return pop[i]; } lower = upper; upper += 2 * weight * ((pop.Length - i) / (float)pop.Length); } return pop[0]; } // single point crossover public PopulationItem[] mate(PopulationItem male, PopulationItem female) { var cutpoint = (int)Math.Round(Math.Min(Math.Max(r.NextDouble(), 0.1), 0.9) * (male.placements.Count - 1)); var gene1 = new List<NFP>(male.placements.Take(cutpoint).ToArray()); var rot1 = new List<float>(male.Rotation.Take(cutpoint).ToArray()); var gene2 = new List<NFP>(female.placements.Take(cutpoint).ToArray()); var rot2 = new List<float>(female.Rotation.Take(cutpoint).ToArray()); int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < female.placements.Count; i++) { if (!gene1.Any(z => == female.placements[i].id)) { gene1.Add(female.placements[i]); rot1.Add(female.Rotation[i]); } } for (i = 0; i < male.placements.Count; i++) { if (!gene2.Any(z => == male.placements[i].id)) { gene2.Add(male.placements[i]); rot2.Add(male.Rotation[i]); } } return new[] {new PopulationItem() { placements= gene1, Rotation= rot1.ToArray()}, new PopulationItem(){ placements= gene2, Rotation= rot2.ToArray()}}; } public void generation() { // Individuals with higher fitness are more likely to be selected for mating population = population.OrderBy(z =>; // fittest individual is preserved in the new generation (elitism) List<PopulationItem> newpopulation = new List<PopulationItem>(); newpopulation.Add(this.population[0]); while (newpopulation.Count() < this.population.Count) { var male = randomWeightedIndividual(); var female = randomWeightedIndividual(male); // each mating produces two children var children = mate(male, female); // slightly mutate children newpopulation.Add(this.mutate(children[0])); if (newpopulation.Count < this.population.Count) { newpopulation.Add(this.mutate(children[1])); } } this.population = newpopulation; } } }